Thursday, April 15, 2010

The obligatory first post: WTF another lady gaga blog?

Yes, there are plenty of Lady Gaga blogs out there, you say! Why should you read this one?

What will be on this blog

This blog is not about trivialities like what Lady Gaga's latest hairstyle is or what costume she wore to what event or where she was last seen with what celebrity or whether or not she's a man (wtf?) or any of that crap.

This blog is about the WHY of Lady Gaga.

Most of my posts will be individual analyses on each of Gaga's songs/videos. I will have some research/background info posts as well.

Who writes this crap

I went to school for music composition and took four years of music history, music theory, performance, and composition classes. I have played violin since I was five and took piano lessons for three years.

For a long time I was in the mindset of "I hate pop music". Britney Spears made me gag (okay, she still does). Lady Gaga, however, had me entranced from the very first time I listened to Bad Romance.

Why I wanted to create a blog about Lady Gaga

Every time a new pop star emerges we just get swept up in the glam and the image and the celebrity and the fame. We see the surface of these songs, and because we are such a superficial culture, we don't expect any real meaning from our music.

So the music industry keeps feeding us crap. It WANTED to feed us more crap with Gaga. She was supposed to be the newest 15 minutes of fame girl. The next Madonna or Britney Spears.

But she's not. She's something entirely new and different and this blog is going to try to explain why.

How can I participate?

Comments are welcome and encouraged, but please try to say something meaningful and not inflammatory for the sake of being inflammatory. Objective criticism is fine; starting a flame war is not.

You can also email me directly at

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